VoP Security
The VoP Security Forum was formed in 2004 and aims to develop capabilities (e.g. tools, publications, lab facilities) and provide an information exchange forum to address issues related to network convergence (e.g. SS7, VoIP, VoWLAN) and security.
Our community is comprised by academic and commercial researchers, engineers, developers and network designers who work on products and services that are used in Next Generation Networks, VoP (or VoIP) and need a common information exchange medium, to answer their questions and discuss security issues regarding next generation networks.
Subscription to the forum’s mailing list (voptalk_at_lists.vopsecurity.org) is open to individuals who would like to stay informed with the developments and projects associate with the forum.
We encourage ideas and suggestions for topics or projects that can help our community.
What is VoP Security?
VoP Security is a forum that is comprised by members which represent commercial, academic and government institutions. Our members are associated with organizations such as British Telecom, SBC, Sprint, Telcordia, Bell Canada, Verizon, Avaya, MCI, American University, Tulsa University and others.
What are the objectives of VoP Security?
The objectives of the VoP Security Forum are:
- Encourage education in NGN/VoIP security through publications, online forums and mailing lists ( and )
- Develop capabilities (tools, interoperability testing, methodologies and best practices) for members to maintain security in their respective infrastructure.
- Conduct research in the area of NGN/VoIP security through VoSIL and associated labs.
- Establish a mechanism (E.A.R.S.) to alert members and help coordinate response, about attacks and fraud practices in NGN networks.
- Coordinate annual member meetings to disseminate information, provide updates and promote interaction and initiatives regarding NGN/VoIP security.
How can I join VoP Security forum?
Subscription to the VoPSecurity forum mailing list is open to individuals. You can also join the various projects as a representative of an organization or individual effort.
Can I volunteer to contribute to projects?
Yes. If you are interested in supporting any of the activities send us an email along with your area of interest and background and we provide you with project opportunities.
How will VoP Security Forum address the various network scenarios and configurations from a security point of view? Will VoP define reference configurations, reference test systems, testing parameters, or even security profiles of standards?
Our goal is to conduct research studies, generate reports that outline our findings and use this information as contributions to standards organizations such as IETF and develop “Best Common Practices”. At the same time these results will submitted to standards bodies as a contribution to their work.